New year, new post, same me

When am I going to catch up with the time?! I know it’s going too fast, I can feel it. But, it seems I cannot realize how fast its passing, and I keep thinking I have time for things, especially for writing this blog. I love writing, and I love writing about our travels and adventures,  but for some reason I cannot continually write. If I could write one post per week, that would be great.
2018 was an interesting year for us. We went to two new countries: Russia and Israel, and we visited two countries we already lived in- Greece and Georgia.
My 2018 resolution was to read a book a month, and I did that which makes me very happy. I didn’t read a lot before, and for some reason I didn’t like reading, but I’m glad that changed. There are other resolutions I kept, and two I didn’t: regular exercise and continue  writing. Let’s hope this year will be different.
We are currently in Republic of  Georgia, but I would like to write about our adventures from 2018. Just to keep it in order. Next post will be about our time in Russia.
I’m going to try to publish a post every Thursday.
Did you have any new year resolutions? How do stay motivated? Please give me some tips, I would love to hear them.
I know January is almost over, but Happy New Year to all of you! May this year be better than the previous one.



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