Lefke, Cyprus

 After our time in France, in January we moved to Cyprus. I don't know if you knew, but Cyprus is split in two parts. South part is inhabited mostly by greek Cypriots. This part is a member of European Union, and is more developed comparing to the north part. North part is inhabited mostly by turkish Cypriots , and its official name is Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. This part is not a member of European Union and it is not developed as the south part. It used to be one country, but they separated in 1974. If you are interested in reading more about Cyprus, you can click here Cyprus
Few years ago, Darko played in the south part, but this time we all went to the north side.
My first impressions weren't so impressive. :) Coming from France, which is country of style and fashion, to a little and undeveloped country, was a little shock for me. It's always easy to get used to better things, changes, lifestyle, and I am the living example of it. But, what was great since day one, it was the weather. And, I am such a meteoropathic. If the weather is nice, my mood is good. I don't like rain and cold weather. So, we had great weather since the beginning. Which means I was happy since the beginning. :) In France, everything was better. It is hard to compare these two countries, but somehow I was happier in Cyprus. Must be because of the weather. :)
Cyprus is not the cleanest and the prettiest country, but they do have some beautiful places. It could be a great travel destination, if they invested in making nice hotels and buildings. People are very relaxed, and it seems like they are not worried about anything.
One thing I was surprised about, was the number of cats on this island. Cats are everywhere. Big cats. Bigger than every cat I have seen in my life.
Another thing, I was surprised about, was how people behaved towards nature. We lived in the building, where most of our neighbors were students. And, most of them would throw trash thru the window or the balcony. On our balcony, I would find onion, cigarette butts and all other things. Guys who lived above us would throw anything and everything down the window. I was so upset. In France, we were not allowed to have our drying clothes rack outside on the balcony because it was visible from the streets and it affected the image of building. And here in Cyprus, I get onions on my balcony because people are too lazy and too careless. Once, I went to our neighbor from above to ask if he could stop throwing things down the balcony, but he pretended he doesn't speak English. Maybe he really didn't speak any English, but he also didn't stop throwing things. Oh... People.. The weirdest species alive.
My younger sister Nevena and her friend came to visit us. We celebrated Darko's and Nevena's birthday during that time.
After Darko's season we had some time off to explore the island. And, we really enjoy it. We drove by the coast, and we have seen some beautiful wild beaches. Also, we really enjoyed some nice restaurants with amazing sea food.
All in all, I have a positive memory of Cyprus. I am happy (as always) we had a chance to check this island out. Sometimes, I get tired of traveling, and I wish we could remain in one country. But, experiencing new countries and cultures is nothing but the blessing.
Somehow I deleted all of my photos from my phone when I changed to new phone, so all the photos below are from my Instagram.

I took this photo on our first day
I couldn't stop (still can't) taking Nina's monthly photos. As she grows, she is less interested in being in photos. :) It is crazy how fast she grows. 

This was one of our favorite restaurants and the view from it. Dear Ambeli.

City of Girne 

Another great restaurant in Girne

Birthday girl and I :) 

 While we were exploring the city, we saw a strawberry plantation where one could pick his/hers own strawberries. It was very interesting and special experiences for Nina. I wish I had more photos of this day. 

Breathtaking view 


Special moments

Bye, bye Cyprus! Until next time! 



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