A place where time has stopped

 For some reason, every summer when we get back to Serbia I stop writing. I am little busier here than during the season, but I feel like I lose motivation, and I don't even think that much about the blog.
Well... I decided to change that. :) Serbia is a beautiful country, and there is so much to see. Especially the nature here is amazing.
Few weeks ago we went to visit my dad's village. He was born there, but he left the village during his early age. When we were younger, my sisters and I would spend summers at this place. Since, I didn't like the village life that much I didn't spend that much time as my younger sister. Last time I visited this place was six years ago. And, nothing has changed since than. Actually, nothing has changed since my visits as a child. My grandmother looks the same. She didn't aged a bit. I don't know how she does it. :) The house looks the same, as well as the things inside the house.
The population of the village is no more than 100 people. Most of the young people left the village, and went to the city looking for their fortune. I think this is the destiny of most of the villages in Serbia.
My grandfather was a woodworker, and his shop is full of tools that he used to make basic furniture in the house (chairs, tables,...) They used to have many animals (cows, sheep, pigs and laying hens). Now, my grandma keeps only the laying hens. There used to be one grocery store where people from the village would buy coffee, flour, sugar and salt. Everything else they would make at home. Food came from animals, vegetables and fruits. Bread was made at home. And, it's delicious. There is nothing better than warm bread, kajmak (special type of spread cream made from cow's milk) and fresh tomatoes. Today, the store is closed, and the people need to go to the next village when they need something from the store.
There is an elementary school where my dad used to go, but I think it's closed now since there is not enough children to attend it.
We took a walk to one of our plots (garden) with a hut, where our grandparents used to take us. It was hard to find it because people do not cultivate the land any more, and many of the plots are overgrown. The walk was very relaxing and quite. Getting from city noise to nature quietness is little odd, but pleasant. Nature is beautiful, untouched and healing. Time passes slower than in the city (or I feel like it). There is no rush for anything.
I feel like the time has stopped here. Since my grandad passed away, the workshop and all the tools are untouched. There is nobody to inherit his craft.
Below you can see the photos from my granddad's workshop, what is around the house,  and few from the old house where my granddad grew up.

View through workshop's window

Grandpa's tools


Door of the old house 

It is amazing to see where our ancestors used to live and how they lived. These photos (and actual objects) keep so much history inside of them. I am wondering how life will look like for our future generations? Would it change as much as it did for us?
Since the green color has healing power and is most restful for our eyes, I will let you enjoy the photos of beautiful Serbian nature below.

Grand mom's flowers


It feels great to break a bad habit of not writing during the summer! :) 
Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did!
Talk to you soon!



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