New year, new chances

Happy New Year everyone!
I hope your break was good, and you are ready for fresh start.
2017 was one of the toughest years in my life, and I am glad it is over. This is the first year that I really want to change some things in my life. It could be because of my years. I am turning 30 this summer, and I want to do something good with my life. I love being  mom and wife, but I feel like I can do more.
 I was thinking what I would like to do (or not to) in new year, and   here is my list:
-to find a job that I love
-to work out more
-to blog continuously
-to travel (at least) to one country I haven't been before
-to stop baiting my nails
-to smile often
-to read one book each month
-to let the past go
-to be present in the moment, and not to live in past or future

Do you have any new year's resolution?

Let's dream big, and let's be brave enough to go out for our dreams!
Let's sparkle!




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