Dear Puerto Rico

I am so touched by everything that has/is happened/ing in Puerto Rico. Even though I was there only once, and I know only few people from this country, these people and country have the special place in my heart. In 2011, my last ever spring break I spent in Puerto Rico. My ex roommate is from there, so she invited me and another roommate (she is from Dominican Republic) to be her guests. And, let me tell you something.. She was the best host ever! I don't remember much from our trip, but I do remember the feelings. Feelings of happiness, enjoyment and blessings. We were smiling the entire time, for 5 or 7 days. I still can hear our laughs. Every moment we spent over there, we enjoyed it to the fullest. I had this feeling when you are happy exactly where you are. When you love being in certain place in certain time. That perfect moment, when you wouldn't change a thing.
I had my best coffee ever over there. Maybe it was the best because of the moment when I had it, or perhaps, it was some other magic involved. But, I know I have never tried something similar again.
And, the Puerto ricans... Such open hearted, welcoming and lovely people. I love the fire they have inside of them. The passion that drives them. I wish I had that passion inside of me. And.. I wish I can dance like them. :) They have that special sense for music. It's amazing.

 Puerto rican food... Should I even say something when it comes to this? A M A Z I N G! I remember ordering some appetizer or something in the restaurant, and the waiter brought back something that looked like super tiny bread cup filled with meat. At first,  I thought "This can't be my order, it's too small and it doesn't look that good." But, when I tried it, it was delicious. Combination of meat, different kind of seasoning and this bread cup was really something to remember.
One thing, that really is unique and beautiful, is the Puerto rican nature. There is no feeling that can express how I felt while watching and feeling ocean, waterfall, forest..
Nature! It heals us! It refreshes our soul and mind. It gives us energy.

This was one special trip with special people. Even though, we don't talk too often, and we haven't seen each other since 2011, they have a special place in my heart!
If I could say/write something to people in Puerto Rico, it would sound something like this:
Dear Puerto Rico,
You will get out of this situation. And, you will get stronger. You will get better. Maybe not today, but  for sure in time. You have amazing people. And, if nothing else, situations like this bring people closer. And, that is, at least, something good that will come out of this!
Sincerely, Jelena
Rather than posting photos from current situation, I would post my photos from 6 years ago. It brings memories back, and it brings smile to my (hopefully to yours) face.

Beautiful beach

Smiles and happy faces

San Juan

Dominican, Serbian and Puerto rican girl

I know other countries are hit by this nature disaster too, and my heart goes to all of them. It will get better. "The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow."

Stay positive,




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