Yesterday's walk turned into magnificent experience

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
I am still impressed how beautiful nature is. And, I only saw a sample of it.
We had a day off yesterday, so we decided to do some exploring. We sat on the train and went few stops away. We did some walking by the ocean (it was very windy and cold), so we were thinking where should we go. We were looking on our map... And... We saw a little fish (a sign for Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan). It was close enough so we thought why not. I already did some research on this place, so I new it's one of the biggest aquariums in the world. But, I wasn't sure what to expect. I have never been to any place like this before.
It's amazing what humans can do! They made this huge aquarium (which holds 11 000 tons of water), just for people to see and feel what is life like deep down in Pacific Ocean. There are some weird, cute, pretty and less pretty animals. Most of them I have never seen in my life.
I am still learning how to use my camera, so the photos are not the best ones. :)

The entrance 

The reminded me of penguins in Madagascar movie :)
Seals.. It was feeding time

The biggest and main aquarium.. I don't know if you can see that shark in the middle

 I am kind of scared of deep water. If I can't touch or see the bottom, I get scared something will bite me for my feet. After seeing all of this, I really want to dive and get a close view of all of these creatures. But, at the same time I am terrified to death.

He was really nice and posed for us 

Posing like models :) 

Jellyfish.. Beautiful and scary.. 

How cute is he/she? 

You could pet these ones.. 

We found Nemo! :) 
Nature never stops to surprise us. We just need to pause for the moment and look around us. How actually beautiful our planet is. We take to many things for granted.. 

Hopefully, I convey some of my impressions to you guys. :) 


P.S. If you want to get some more info about the aquarium, click here Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan


  1. Wah, that looks so so cool! I love aquariums anyway, but it's been a long time since I've been inside one! :) That's quite the adventure!

    1. This is my first aquarium ever, so you can imagine how happy I was. :)


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