Working out starts tomorrow.. Well, maybe on Monday.

Hi there! I hope all of you have a good week so far. 
I don't know about you, but I have been trying to motivate myself to work out for the past six months. It didn't work out.. So this time I really want to make myself get up and exercise. Summer is coming soon, and I really need to get back in shape.  
I am an ex athlete. I was playing volleyball for 14 years. I played at college and a little bit of professional. And, I understand how I got tired of sports. After four surgeries, who wouldn't? But what I don't understand how I got lazy and lack of motivation to do any exercise. I do walk every day for at least an hour, but I need to get active. 
I was looking through different websites for monthly plan of house workouts. I found this one 30 days of change, and it's pretty good. You don't need any equipment for work outs, and all exercises are super short. So it's a good start for me. Now, all I need is to make myself work out every day. :) For the past six months, every day during the week I was saying "I'm starting tomorrow". That tomorrow never comes. On the weekends I was saying "I'm starting on Monday". That Monday never comes either. And so on.. :) The circle never ends. 
This time I am really determined to do it. I'm going to start TODAY and finish my Day 1 of exercise. 
Wish me luck! :)
Is there any advice or tip you would share with me? How you motivate yourself? How often do you work out? 

I'm going for my walk now! :) Talk to you soon! 
Stay positive! 


Cao svima! Nadam se da vam pocetak februara i ova nedelja idu dobro. 
Ne znam za vas, ali ja pokusavam sebe da motivisem da vezbam proteklih sest meseci. I bilo je bez uspeha, da vam priznam.. Ovaj put sam stvarno resila da se aktiviram malo vise. Leto nam dolazi uskoro, i ja moram da poradim malo na svom izgledu. :) 
S' obzirom da sam bivsi sportista i da sam odbojku igrala 14 godina, razumem da sam se zasitila sporta. Pored cetiri ozbiljne operacije, ko ne bi? Ali, ono sto ne razumem jeste da sam se toliko ulenjila i da nemam nimalo motivacije da radim bilo sta. Jeste da setam svaki dan najmanje sat vremena, ali moram malo vise da se aktiviram. 
Gledala sam na internetu neke mesecne planove za kucne vezbe i ovaj mi se bas dopao 30 days of change. Skroz je jednostavan, i nisu potrebne nikakve sprave. I sto je jos bitnije, bas su kratke vezbice. Odlicno za pocetak. U toku proteklih sest meseci, svaki dan tokom nedelje sam govorila "Pocinjem sutra". To sutra nikad nije doslo. Kada dodje vikend, ja kazem "Krecem od ponedeljka". Ni taj ponedeljak nikad nije dosao. I tako u krug..
Ovaj put sam stvarno resila da krenem, i to DANAS (verovali ili ne). Zavrsicu moj Dan 1 vezbanja. 
Pozelite mi srecu! :) 
Jel' ima neki savet za vezbanje koji biste podelili sa mnom? Kako se vi motivisete, i koliko cesto vi vezbate? 
Odoh sad u setnju. Cujemo se uskoro!
Budite pozitivni! 



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