The Cool Virus

Last night before I went to bed, I got on fb to check what's happening in the world of my friends. And, my entire home page was full of these new fb videos. I think it's called fb movie or something. You know what I am talking about.
It amazed me how most of my friends from all around the world liked the same thing, and wanted to be part of it. 
I couldn't go to sleep because my brain was working like crazy. And everything I was thinking about was how similar actually we all are..
When something is in, cool, trendy everyone wants to have it. But why? Who makes those trends? Who says that is cool and we should have it? Why everyone wants to be the same? How come we all like the same things, but we are raised differently? We are from different countries, different cultures, having different beliefs, speaking different languages... But, we all try to look like somebody we are not. 
We all buy stuff because somebody else has it. Not because we need it. 
Let's use this fb movie as an example. I can bet that half of these people who made a movie did it because their friends did it. And they didn't want to be left out. This movie spread on fb like a virus. And everyone wants to be infected with it. It's amazing!
It's not just this movie. It's everything.. Technology, clothes, food, etc.. 
Sometimes I think people would be better off if there was no internet... They would focus on their lives and spend energy and time trying to make themselves better persons. People spend too much energy, time and money trying to be infected with a "trendy" virus. 
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Talk to you soon! 



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