Trip to Africa (Tunisia)

It is Friday already ? Time does fly. It is time for another Flashback Friday hosted by FranPoekittenMoira and Jane. Link up everybody.. :) 

 Every now and then I am thinking about my vacation to Tunisia this past summer.
 During spring and part of the summer of 2013 I was doing internship with one bank in Macedonia. It was pretty stressful, so after I finished it I really needed a break. Darko played at New Zealand at that time. He was coming home a month after I finished my internship. I tried to plan our vacation, but it didn't work out. He wanted to go to Greece, and I wanted to go somewhere else (we have already been in Greece). He wanted to practice during vacation, and all I needed was rest. Soo.. We decided I would go with one of my girlfriends on vacation before he comes back, and then we will go somewhere together. If you ask me, it was a perfect plan. :) 
My friend and I wanted to go somewhere nice, without crazy parties, with the hotel close to or on the beach. We didn't have much time, and in 2 days we chose to go to Tunisia. We didn't want to spend fortune on our trip, and Tunisia was very affordable. It was only 2 hour flight, so we picked it. Didn't know what to expect though.. 
Hands down, it was one of the best vacations so far.. We laughed every day all day..We went to bed at 23h,  and woke up around 9h. Spent entire day at the beach, just laying down and enjoying the sun and the sea sound.. That's all what we needed. Last few days of the trip we went to Sahara desert.. Swam at the pool that is located in the middle of the desert. Amazing feeling! Anyone who gets a chance to travel there, should go.. It was a long and exhausting drive from our hotel to the desert, but we didn't stop laughing. 
We have a saying in Serbia : " It is better for a man to live in the dessert, than the dessert to live inside of man".  Every time I would complain about the trip or the heat, my friend would tell me this saying. And, from nowhere I would start laughing..  
We had a blast! We recharged our batteries, and we were ready for the next chapters of our lives. 

Watermelon hookah.. I tried it for the first time

While his owner was sleeping I sneaked in to get a picture with this "little" guy :) Saved couple of bucks :)

Running down dune

We met some cool people

Enjoying the view

We are friends for a looong time.. 


Even though Tunisia is not the cleanest country, and people are not the nicest ones, we made the best of this trip. We made great memories, and enjoyed every minute of it. 



  1. That sounds so fun!

  2. What an AMAZING trip! It looks so beautiful and seems like you had so much fun! Thanks for linking up with us! <3

    1. It really was a great trip. Thanks for having this link up. It's my favorite day of the week! :)

  3. It sounds like you had a great time! I love your photos, especially the one with the camel. I would have done the same thing:)

    Thanks for linking up with us at Flashback Friday:)

    1. Hehe.. I'm glad there is someone like me. :) Thank you for having this link up.

  4. That's so awesome that the trip turned out to be one of your all time favorite vacations! I've never yet been to that part of the world!

  5. Sounds like you had an amazing girls' trip! The pictures make me want to go to Tunisia!!!


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