New apartment and another weekend of away games

We moved to our new apartment on Wednesday, and got our stuff (from our old  apt) on Thursday.  We still didn't get our internet in here, so I'm writing from my phone. And, I don't like it. I like the feeling when you press the buttons on your computer and see the words on your screen. It gives me inspiration to keep writing. Hopefully we will get the internet soon.
The new apartment is pretty nice. It's bigger than our old one, and has the most beautiful view. Having my morning coffee on our balcony while watching ships coming in and leaving the port, is the best part of my day.  I love waking up to this view!  

I did some cleaning and decorating, but I still have some more to do. My favorite part of the apt is our little dininig area. 

With this view, every meal will taste a little bit better. :) I can't wait for Darko to be back from the games so we can have our first official meal here. 
Speaking of devil, it has been a month of away games. I feel Darko has been gone more than he is at home. I'm starting to forget how he looks and how he plays. Not really.. :) Next weekend is the first home game and I cannot tell you how excited I am! I have already started planning what I am going to wear on that day. :) 
At least this weekend I have a lot of things to do, so it will keep me busy. And it's always good to have some time for yoursef. Right? 
I had my coffee this morning, and I made  breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, but I don't have it very often. I don't really know why. I guess coffee keeps me full until lunch time. 

Ohhh... How good actually this breakfast was! I will definitley have to make it more often. This little book "100 simple secrets of happy people" is pretty amazing. It shows us actually how thin is the line between happy and unhappy people. It's all about the perspective and how we choose to look at things. 
It's a rainy day today so I decided to do some nail coloring. Usually, I pick dark colors ( black is my favorite), but this time I chose light ones. 

Glitter one is there to put some darknes on the top. :) 

I hope all of you have fun weekend! 
Stay positive!
Talk to you soon! 


P.S. My phone internet is super slow, so it's going to take some time to upload this post. :/


  1. Ponavljam se znam, ali koliko ti je smo lep pogled. Uživaj ;)

  2. Vidis i ja da se ponavljam, ne mogu se zadovoljiti. :)


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