How many languages do you speak? Hmmm.. None actually..

Good morning! Dobro jutro! Kalimera! :)
Few weeks ago I was reading some Serbian blogs, and it got me thinking how well actually I know Serbian language. Then I stopped thinking about it, until I read this cross-cultural life post from The Random Writings Of Rachel. She speaks Chinese, her husband Spanish, and she wondered what language they should speak at home to their kid. I said the baby could easily speak three languages. EASILY? There is no way one could speak easily more than one language. Unless, that person has an iq of 150+. Than that's ok. So, I started thinking again about the languages.
I speak two languages fluently . I think I speak two languages  fluently. Serbian and English. I grew up in Serbia, graduated from American University, and now I am all over the world.
Every time I would go back home during summer break at college, I would need some time to adjust. When I would speak, some words would come out in English. After a while of not using some words, you start to forget them. My friends would made fun of me, and think that I act and try to be cool for throwing english words in the middle of the sentence. But, I just didn't know how to say it in Serbian. Then, Serbian (read every) language changes. Every generation brings one or more new words that are trending at that time. And, everybody uses them. I would know them if I was there, but I wasn't. So, I needed some time to pick new words up. Now, not only I need to get rid of English words in my head, and find Serbian translation, but I had to learn new words to keep up with my friends. I knew technology changes every day, and you really need to keep up with that. But, language? Who would say it would change so much? Finally, after three months I am back on my Serbian speaking level. Well guess what? Break is over, and I need to get back to the states. I need to press the switch button in my head, and voila.. I speak English again. After some time of adjusting, of course.
 I have a problem with this switch button, and I only speak two languages. I don't know how people who speak more than three languages keep switching, and not get confused. Switching languages in your head is hard, especially if you do it on daily basis.
 I speak Serbian, but there are more and more words I don't know. And, that's my first language.
I speak English, but there are a lot of words I still don't know, and a lot of words I have never heard/seen before.
I have lived in 6 different countries in the past three years. And, in every of these countries I would try to pick some words up. At least for basic communication. Now, when Darko and I talk, that's a mix of Serbian, English, Macedonian, Greek and some Japanese (he is much better in Japanese than me). God knows how we sound. :)
Speaking one language is easy. You think, write, speak in one language. No bothering how to speak in other language, and no confusion.
But, speaking more than one language is great. Can you imagine how many more people you are able to understand and speak to?
I speak two languages, but none of them I know completely. I can speak, write, and read in both of them. My grammar isn't the best one, but you can understand me. :) And that is what matters to me.
 I always say "The more languages you speak, the richer you are". And, all of these confusions, and switching in your head are worth it if you can understand someone who is from completely different side of the world.

How many languages do you speak? Any trouble with them? :) 



  1. How do you look great shirtless Mike? lol

  2. I feel ya on this post! I only speak English, and a little Spanish and Swedish. I'm incredibly jealous of my husband, who is fluent in English, Swedish, German, and has a little Russian under his belt!


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