The Beginning

Hi everybody! I want to wish you a Happy New Year, and I hope only good things happen to you this year! I've been thinking about writing a blog for a while. First reason is that my memory is awful. I can't remember to save my life. I move quite a lot, and it is sad not to remember how I felt or what I did while I was experiencing different places. Second reason is that I am such a bad friend. I do not keep in touch with friends. Writing this blog, all my friends from all around would be able to see what's happening with me/us and my/our life. I'm going to write in English and Serbian. Some days I just don't feel like speaking/writing in English so I will write in Serbian (hopefully this won't happen often :) ). Right now we are in Japan. Darko has a game away, and I got free time. A lot of free time. Japan is great so far! I love this country. It's feels like home. Actually, every country we lived in feels like home. I really hope we stay here for a while. We have lived in six different countries in the past three years, and it is always a sad time when we have to leave. I should be used to leaving by now. We live in a small city of Isesaki. It's quite and super safe. Completely different from Serbia. It's cold now, and I don't like it. I'm happy there is no snow, but I can't wait for the summer. Here are couple pics from our town:
Japanese Starbucks

Chocolate shop

Park near our house

Another thing is that people here are amazing! I don't think I have ever met people like these before: sweet,calm, kind and polite. 

I am so thankful we got the opportunity to travel around the world and to meet amazing people! 
I know not so many people can travel, so maybe through my posts they can get closer to the different places and cultures.
Well this should be enough for the first time post. 
Talk to you soon! 

P.S. I thought this blog thing would be much easier to do. :)

Pretpostavljam da ste vecinu razumeli iz gorenjeg dela, tako da necu da duzim. :) 

Zelim da vam pozelim Srecnu Novu Godinu, i da vam se desavaju samo lepe stvari u njoj! Ne znam zasto, ali imam osecaj da ce ova godina biti mnogo bolja od prethodne. Videcemo.. :) 
Kao sto gore rekoh, vec neko vreme razmisljam da pisem blog (znam da je to sada super moderno, ali ne iz tog razloga). Ja zelim vise da ga pisem kao dnevnik. Prvenstveno zbog sebe, jer mi je memorija stvarno ocajna. Zelim jednog dana da na jednom mestu mogu da procitam kako sam se osecala ili sta sam mislila u nekom odredjenom trenutku. Druga stvar je da zelim da podelim sa prijateljima (vama) ono sto mi se desava. Ja sam mnogo losa u odrzavaju komunikacije sa ljudima, iako su mi u mislila skoro svakodnevno. 
Japan je za sada stvarno divan prema nama. Kao i svuda, ljudi su oni sto ostavljaju najveci utisak na vas. Tako i ovde.. Ja stvarno u svom zivotu jos nisam upoznala kulturniju i ljubazniju naciju. 
Gore ima par slika iz naseg grada.. Kao sto rekoh, mali je grad, ali je miran i siguran. Skroz nam prija. Vreme je slicno kao i u Srbiji. Malo su toplije zime, sto me raduje. Da se ja pitam, trebalo bi da bude leto tokom cele godine. 
Darko je ovog vikenda na utakmicama, tako da sam ja iskoristila sansu da pocnem da pisem ovaj blog. Mislila sam da ce mnogo lakse ici, ali mislim da nije lose za prvi put. :) 
Pisem uskoro... 



  1. Dobrodošla u blogerski svet :) Vidim ja da će ovde biti zabeleženo mnogo, mnogo lepih uspomena kroz priče :)

  2. Hi! I found your link through the weekday mixer! I am curious as to what is taking you to so many countries? You are blessed to see so much of the world! I have lived in the US, in 1 state, my whole life and would love to spend some time traveling! Good luck with your blog!

    1. Hey Kelly! Thanks for stopping by! I could say sport enables me to travel the world. I played volleyball since I was 10 years old, and after I graduated High School, I got full scholarship to play and study in the states. For the last 6 years I am dating professional basketball player (sport again :) ), and he gets to play all around the world. So, I'm following him, and we move quite a lot. Traveling is really fun, when you know when and where you are coming back. It can be little stressful when you don't know what your next destination is.
      I'm looking forward to following your adventures!


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