
Showing posts from September, 2017

Nina's past year

On this day next month, we will celebrate Nina's 3rd birthday. I can't believe it went by so fast. I still remember her being a baby. Sometimes, I would call her a baby, but she would respond "Mom, I am not a baby. I am Nina." :) She is very smart and funny. She loves music and dancing. These days, she is all about duct taping. She would tape everything and anything. She would tape chairs, tables, Darko, me.. The other day she taped her legs, and said she is mermaid. Seconds later, she regretted when she figured she couldn't walk. :) She is very attached to Darko. When he is around, I do not exist. It's been like that since she was born. And, I don't think it will change in the future. She is the daddy's girl. She is still very demanding and energetic. She loves attention. If she wants something, she will push it until she gets it. She loves dresses and wears them almost every day. She is still very picky when it comes to food, but loves pasta, rice...

Dear Puerto Rico

I am so touched by everything that has/is happened/ing in Puerto Rico. Even though I was there only once, and I know only few people from this country, these people and country have the special place in my heart. In 2011, my last ever spring break I spent in Puerto Rico. My ex roommate is from there, so she invited me and another roommate (she is from Dominican Republic) to be her guests. And, let me tell you something.. She was the best host ever! I don't remember much from our trip, but I do remember the feelings. Feelings of happiness, enjoyment and blessings. We were smiling the entire time, for 5 or 7 days. I still can hear our laughs. Every moment we spent over there, we enjoyed it to the fullest. I had this feeling when you are happy exactly where you are. When you love being in certain place in certain time. That perfect moment, when you wouldn't change a thing. I had my best coffee ever over there. Maybe it was the best because of the moment when I had it...

Choose to be happy

 Recently, my mom passed away. It happened all too fast, we are still recovering from it. We weren't ready for it. I know people say you are never ready for someone to leave, but we weren't ready at all. When you lose mom, you feel like an orphan. It doesn't matter how old you are, mom is someone who is suppose to be there always. And, my mom was always there. She was always at our apartment. Waiting for us. It doesn't matter where we would go, and how long we would stay, she would be there. She was the happiest when we were at home. She had a great sense of humor. She would make jokes, and she had this contagious laugh. You had to smile, even if you didn't want to. And, I never told her that I love her. I hope she knew that.  After she passed away, I felt huge guilt because I wasn't the best daughter (or I think so).  We would get into the arguments almost about everything. I wasn't very patient with her, and I didn't take her illness into the consid...

Lefke, Cyprus

 After our time in France, in January we moved to Cyprus. I don't know if you knew, but Cyprus is split in two parts. South part is inhabited mostly by greek Cypriots. This part is a member of European Union, and is more developed comparing to the north part. North part is inhabited mostly by turkish Cypriots , and its official name is Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. This part is not a member of European Union and it is not developed as the south part. It used to be one country, but they separated in 1974. If you are interested in reading more about Cyprus, you can click here  Cyprus Few years ago, Darko played in the south part, but this time we all went to the north side. My first impressions weren't so impressive. :) Coming from France, which is country of style and fashion, to a little and undeveloped country, was a little shock for me. It's always easy to get used to better things, changes, lifestyle, and I am the living example of it. But, what was great si...