Meet baby Nina

I do have a few other posts I want to write about, but first I want you to meet baby Nina. She is 11 months old now. She is super demanding baby, bad sleeper at night (wakes up every 2-3 hours), very active during the day, but very beautiful and smart baby. She is going to be one on the 30th of this month. I can't believe how fast time goes by. It's crazy. I've been taking photos of her every month so I could keep track on her growing. I'm going to let you see and enjoy them. :)

Happy baby! 

She was born as a quite big baby, 9.4 lb and 22 inches. I had a natural birth, and it went really smooth. For the first 3 months we were in Serbia (first 3 photos  were taken there), after that we moved to Hungary (next 3 photos are from there). 

We were little worried how she is going to  react to a change, but she did great. She really enjoyed our time in Hungary. She went to her first basketball game there. :) 
After the basketball season we went back home to Serbia and we have been there until few weeks ago. 

Look at this smile!
Now, when I see all the photos at once, I can't believe how much she has changed and grew. 

This last picture was taken in Tunisia, one day after we got here. 
I'm sad and happy at the same time that she is growing. These 11 months has been the hardest and the prettiest in my life so far. No wonder people say being a mom is the hardest job. But, I wouldn't change a thing. Watching her smile, and seeing how much she loves Darko and me, all I can think of is "Life is good". 
P.S. Two days ago, she took her first steps.

Have a nice week y'all! 


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