The Weekend Recap

Hey there!
If you read my past posts, you probably know how excited I was for Darko's home games these past weekend.. The games were on Saturday and Sunday. I literally woke up around 9 am (and I don't wake up before 11 or 12) on Saturday to start getting ready.
Games were really fun and stressful. The first game on Saturday, Osaka  (Darko's team) were up the entire game. At one point they were up by 20 points, so I thought "Oh, this is going to be an easy win". I guess I was wrong. They went in over time and lost by few points. It was unbelievable. They really deserved to get that win. Well, on Sunday they came back and won. It was really a good game. The gym was almost full, and the fans really enjoyed the game.

This is the team mascot and the team banner 
During the time out 

After the game Darko's signing autographs

I get so stressed during the game, I can't take pictures. :)

After the Sunday game we went with Darko's teammate to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. How I love the place! They have amazing food! I could eat those chicken wings and quesadillas every day!

Hard Rock love 
We also got our new ride few days ago. And... It's a BIKE! Cool, nice, white bike! I was soooo excited when I took my first ride to the store. I was smiling to everybody, the breeze was hitting my face.. It was like a sat on the bike for the first time ever.

It also has a basket to put our groceries in it. :) I never thought I would enjoy riding bike so much. It's the little things I guess.
Since, we move a lot I really wanted to meet some new people. I was talking to one of my really good friends, and he introduced me to the Couchsurfing website. I don't know if you know of the website, but when people travel to your city you can offer them to stay for a night, two or more at your place. Also, when you travel you can find people who would let you stay at their places. There is no must you can let somebody sleep at your place, but rather go for a coffee or some sightseeing with them while they are in your town. You also get to choose who are you going to host. It looked pretty interesting to me. Sooo.. Next month we are hosting our first couchsurfing friends, and it's a Swedish couple. They seem pretty nice, and we can't wait to meet them. It's always fun to make some new friends.
Do you have any experiences with Couchsurfing?

I made facebook page for this blog, so if you want to follow it, please do it. :) It's the last page on the top, or you can just go here Life On The Road Facebook Page.

How was your weekend?
Have a great week!



  1. I have the same bike in maroon that I brought back to America with me, I love it!


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