Recently, my mom passed away. It happened all too fast, we are still recovering from it. We weren't ready for it. I know people say you are never ready for someone to leave, but we weren't ready at all. When you lose mom, you feel like an orphan. It doesn't matter how old you are, mom is someone who is suppose to be there always. And, my mom was always there. She was always at our apartment. Waiting for us. It doesn't matter where we would go, and how long we would stay, she would be there. She was the happiest when we were at home. She had a great sense of humor. She would make jokes, and she had this contagious laugh. You had to smile, even if you didn't want to. And, I never told her that I love her. I hope she knew that. After she passed away, I felt huge guilt because I wasn't the best daughter (or I think so). We would get into the arguments almost about everything. I wasn't very patient with her, and I didn't take her illness into the consid...
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