Zlin Zoo

Usually only Sundays are our days off, but this past week we had the entire weekend for family time. We always try to spend this time outside as much as we can, especially, if the weather is good. These past months the weather was really weird. I guess the most of the planet's population felt that way. We didn't have a real spring day until week or so ago. All of a sudden, on past Saturday we woke up, and the weather was really nice. We were discussing what should we do for the day. I remember getting a recommendation for visiting a Zlin Zoo. I did a little research and it really looked nice. But, it was more than nice. It was way above my expectations. I questioned writing a post about this zoo, but I think it deserves its place in here. We left home quite late, so we couldn't stay as long as we wanted, but we definitely had a great time! Zlin Zoo is located on the eastern side of the country, somewhere between cities Brno and Ostrava. It is second visited zoo in Cz...