Parenting - Being A Bad Guy
Who is the bad guy in your household? Who is the one saying NO to kids all the time? You can guess which one am I. :) The bad one of course. Considering research, 60-70% of mothers feel they are this kind of parent. I am glad I am not the only one. Are you in this group as well? I like to plan everything for Nina. For example, when she eats, when she goes to bad at night, when she baths, for how long she can watch cartoons, etc. Darko is not like that. He is less strict with her. He is the funny one. The cool dad. He lets her do things her way. She likes him more because of this. I am so tired of being the bad guy. I feel like the only word that comes out of my mouth is NO. I don't know if I ever say YES. :) I feel like Darko is too laid back, and allows her to do (almost) anything, so I need to jump in and break the party. Couple of days ago, we went out to eat and Nina sat on D's lap. This made me so mad. She is 3 (but looks like she is 5). She is big enough to sit by h...